Ebony Loren

Ebony Loren is a 22 year old singer songwriter, originally from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, currently based in Los Angeles. She taught herself how to play guitar and piano at a young age, and has been singing ever since she learned to speak. Her passion for making music and songwriting began around age 10, and it was a way for her to express herself and reflect on the things she experienced in life. Amidst her journey towards discovering her sound, Ebony Loren has enjoyed making acoustic pop music with heavy influences in R&B and jazz. Ebony hopes to reach people all over the world with her music, and become a role model for young artists just like herself. Her first single "Mine", which she wrote, performed and produced herself, speaks about finding love despite long distance getting in the way. Her second single 'O Pato' was the result of an overnight viral video on TikTok that saw Ebony gain over 10,000 followers on the app in a night and led to her gaining hundreds of thousands of followers since. After fans had been begging for her to release a full version, she answered their call with the soft Bossa Nova cover with a Spanish twist. Her latest release 'All That I Need' is a soothing love song and international collaboration between herself, fellow artist Matthew Ifield (Australia) and producer Sebastian Kamae (The Netherlands). Stay tuned for more to come from Ebony Loren soon!
- mgmt // Alexy Erouart // alexy@zoeticmgmt.com
- mgmt // ebonylorenmgmt@gmail.com