Quelle Chris

Unconventional and hard to categorize, producer/lyricist Quelle Chris has created work in several genres, including punk rock, poetry, abstract soul, and instrumental as well as vocal hip-hop. As a beatsmith, he tends to favor lo-fi production methods and oddball samples, and his rapping is loose and casual yet thoughtful and introspective. Armed with a dark, self-deprecating sense of humor, he pokes fun at himself while addressing serious personal concerns and social issues.
- agent // Michael LoJudice // mlojudice@anniversarygroup.com
- agent // Jordan Corso // jcorso@anniversarygroup.com
- mgmt // jkim645@gmail.com
- label // info@mellomusicgroup.com
Quelle Chris
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(select dates from 2022 & 2023 seasons)
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