John Henry's

John Henry’s was a legend in downtown Eugene from its first iteration in 1992 until that era ended at the second location in 2013. With it’s wide-ranging options nearly every night of the week it quickly became a fixture in the West Coast touring circuit. Attracting big names like John Doe from the legendary L.A. punk band X, The Gun Club and Black Flag founder Greg Ginn.
Once a beloved local haunt, John Henry’s is back under new ownership and ready to recapture the spirit of its original iteration, while also introducing new experiences to the community of Eugene. Featuring its recognizable gray steam-train logo and signage, open and spacious area, and popular stadium seating, along with some original art, John Henry's promises to be a nod to the past while embracing the future. With live music and themed nights at the forefront, the bar is poised to make a big impact in Eugene once again.