The Hideout

from their website: the hideout is not your dad’s bar, but your granddad’s bar. it is the bar that granddad went to when he was young and crazy. he did his best to hide that past from your dad, but you have found it. the old restless roots of hard-working, hard-playing creative artistic expression and intellectual freedom. more new deal and less new age. the hideout is small, and small is beautiful. it’s not for everyone, but for every one!
Hidden in an industrial park, it’s one of the best small venue meets dive bar in Chicago hands down. A fun, funky spot for all kinds of events: music, poetry, bingo, theater, talk shows, and everything in between. What else would you expect from a 100 year old balloon-frame house with a bar in the front and stage in the back? You’d be hard press to find a better spot to play. The booze is cheap and most of the time, the toilets are clean. Built in two days and still here a century later, this Chicago institution has roots.